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We offer personalized nutrition plans, weight management, an dietary counseling to help you achieve your health goals.

Improving the Quality of Your Diet Can Help to

Lose Weight

Increase Energy Levels

Lower Blood Pressure

Educate Portion Control

Reset Your Metabolism

Improve Health and Wellbeing

Enhance Sleep

Educate Portion Control

Safaa Thunibat Dietition Center


Providing comprehensive nutritional assessments and specialized nutritional consultations.

Therapeutic Nutrition plans

Developing therapeutic nutritional plans to address various health conditions.

Metabolic Age Analysis

Conducting body composition analysis, including measurements of fat, fluid retention, and muscle mass, using specialized and modern equipment, and also featuring an assessment of the body’s biological (metabolic) age

Weight Managment

Offering various dietary programs for weight management, including programs for weight loss, weight gain, and weight maintenance (stabilization phase).

Maternal Nutrition

offering customized dietary programs for pregnant and breastfeeding women